Täna sai retk ette võetud pisikeste metsajärvekeste juurde, kus ma iga aasta olen kohanud ühte laululuigepaari pesitsemas. Minu rõõmuks olid nad samas kohas seegi kord hoides oma valvsa pilgu all viit pisikest sulepalli. Whooper swan family remo 03/06/2019 Birds Today I went to a couple of forest lakes where I have seen a whooper swam couple nest each year. To my please the couple was there this year as well with 5 cute little swan chicks under their watchful eye. 96 0 SharesShareTweetSharePin Tags: Cygnus cygnus, laululuik, summer, suvi, whooper swan Continue Reading Previous PostColorful sunsetNext PostEuropean Robin (Erithacus rubecula) You Might Also Like Robin (Erithacus rubecula) 30/09/2018 Eurasian three-toed woodpecker 29/10/2017 European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) 23/06/2019