Valgeselg-kirjurähn kauni lehevaibaga kaetud sügiseses metsas ühel puutüvel nokitsemas ja kõhtutäidet otsimas White-backed woodpecker in autumn forest remo 28/10/2019 Birds White-backed woodpecker in a beautiful autumn forest trying to find something to eat. Chek out my gallery for more bird images. 189 3 SharesShareTweetSharePin3 Tags: autumn, Dendrocopos leucotos, Estonia, sügis, Valgeselg-kirjurähn, White-backed woodpecker Continue Reading Previous PostLong-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)Next PostLast light You Might Also Like Tern (Sterna hirundo) 15/07/2019 Long-tailed Tit on the branch 09/05/2019 Yellowhammers 15/02/2022