Augustilõpu metsades pole enam eriti linnulaulu kuulda ja linnud enamasti vaikselt ajavad omi asju okste vahele varjudes. Vaikselt mööda metsarada jalutades õnnestub mõne linnukese tähelepanu köita ja sind tullakse lähemalt uudistama. Just seda tegigi pildil olev pisike käblik, kes kiirelt oksalt oksale hüpeldes mind ebausklikult vaatles ja samal ajal püüdis putukaid.
All the birds are mostly silent during the end of August and are minding their own business concealed by the branches of the trees. It can happen that sometimes when you are slowly walking along a forest path, you are attracting the attention of a nearby bird who comes and inspects you at very close proximity. Exactly this happened to me and a small Wren was hopping from branch to branch close by and gave a curious look while the insects.