Pea neljakümnemeetrise joani jõudmiseks on vaja matkata veidi alla viie kilomeetri ja matkarada kulgeb mööda kanjoni põhja, kus tee peal on võimalus tutvuda kaljudele joonistatud iidseite piktogrammide ja viljahoidlatega. Lower Calf Creek Falls remo 12/03/2019 Landscape The trail to waterfall goes up and down at the bottom of the canyon floor. Along the 5km to the falls, you’ll pass two ancient granaries and mighty pictographs on the wall opposite the canyon. 88 0 SharesShareTweetSharePin Tags: juga, lower calf creek falls, talv, waterfall, winter Continue Reading Previous PostSpotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)Next PostPine Creek canyon at sunrise You Might Also Like Colorful evening 07/11/2017 Mist engulfed bog edge 20/08/2020 Vasaristi waterfall in winter 04/02/2018