São Vicente neemelt puhuv tugev tuul sasimas kaljupealsele kasvanud madalikku taimestikku ja pillutamas lained vastu üksikut rannaäärset kaljusaart kuldse õhtutunni valguses Cape St. Vincent during sunset remo 17/10/2019 Landscape Strong wind from Cape St. Vincent blowing over the patches of small plants covering the rocky cliffs and rolling big waves towards the cliff island near the shore. Check out more images of Portugal from the gallery. 145 2 SharesShareTweetSharePin2 Tags: Cabo de São Vicente, Cape St. Vincent, loojang, october, oktoober, Portugal, püha vincenti neem, São Vicente neem, sunset Continue Reading Previous PostSunset at HarilaidNext PostGolden banks of the stream You Might Also Like Rising to the sky 26/09/2018 Bog path towards pink mist 31/07/2017 Ice piles 14/04/2018