Soojades toonides õhtupäike valgustamas laukaäärseid rabamände Alam-Pedja looduskaitsealal. Evening sun on bog pines remo 20/07/2020 Landscape Evening sun lighting the bog pines on the bank of a bog pond in Alam-Pedja nature reserve, Estonia.Feel free to browse through the gallery for more bog images 188 2 SharesShareTweetSharePin2 Tags: alam-pedja looduskaitseala, alam-pedja nature reserve, bog, evening, july, juuli, laugas, õhtu, päikesepaiste, peegeldus, pond, raba, reflection, sunshine Continue Reading Previous PostWindy bog landscapeNext PostLast rays of the setting sun You Might Also Like Summer bog landscape 19/07/2017 Blue hour 05/06/2018 Reflecting noctilucent clouds 12/07/2018