Päike loojumas vaikselt õõtsuvas vees seisvate rändrahnude taha Dirhamis Sun setting behind erratic boulders remo 19/08/2018 Landscape Sun is setting behind the erratic boulders resting in the calm sea water at Dirhami, Estonia 136 3 SharesShareTweetSharePin3 Tags: erratic boulders, july, juuli, meri, päikeseloojang, rändrahnud, sea, summer, sunset, suvi Continue Reading Previous PostSinking into the yellow softnessNext PostKingfisher (Alcedo atthis) You Might Also Like Aluoja cascades 21/04/2018 Fiery dawn in the bog 11/12/2016 Sinking into the yellow softness 11/08/2018