Varahommikune rabasaart ümbritsev tihe udu on justkui taevasse auramas ja tekitamas tõusva päikese poolt osaliselt värviliseks võõbatud rünkpilvi (Nigula looduskaitseala) Rising to the sky remo 26/09/2018 Landscape Early morning fog surrounding the bog island is slowly rising to the sky and creating fluffy clouds which are partially colored red by the rising sun (Nigula nature reserve, Estonia) 194 8 SharesShareTweetSharePin8 Tags: bog, clouds, fog, päikesetõus, pilved, raba, sunrise, udu Continue Reading Previous PostRising above the misty bogNext PostWhooper Swans on a bog pond You Might Also Like Sunshine before the storm 04/02/2017 Misty sunrise in the bog 01/05/2017 Evening sun on bog pines 20/07/2020