Õhtupäike vajumas tihedasse kollasesse mere kohal olevasse pilvevatti ühe üksiku suure rändrahnu juures, mis sarnaneb madalikule jooksnud kanuuga (Ninametsa poolsaar, Hiiumaa) Sinking into the yellow softness remo 11/08/2018 Landscape Setting sun sinking into the soft and thick clouds above the sea at Ninametsa peninsula, Hiiumaa. 176 0 SharesShareTweetSharePin Tags: clouds, erratic boulder, hiiumaa, july, juuli, meri, päikeseloojang, pilved, rändrahn, sea, summer, sunset, suvi Continue Reading Previous PostLong-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)Next PostSun setting behind erratic boulders You Might Also Like Last rays of the setting sun 27/07/2020 Through the snowy bog 01/05/2017 Early morning waves rushing to the shore 30/09/2017